bronze dining – coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top

iron coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
iron coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top

bronze dining-coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top ( not included) , vintage , creation , unique piece,…dimensions 80 x 80  x 80cms,…shipping worldwide,…wide variety of old furniture, small furniture, old tables-coffee tables, restored or not, antiques , vintage,…for more information or for a facetime appointment to see our collection call Stelios Maragos at 0030 6977276427

τραπεζάκι σαλονιού από μπρούτζο,σε σχήμα ανθοδέσμης κλαδιών και φύλλων πλαισιωμένων από τέσσερα πιο χοντρά σιδερένια κλαδιά,που χρησιμεύουν ως βάση για γυαλί( δεν περιλαμβάνεται), vintage ,creation ,μοναδικό κομμάτι ,…διαστάσεις 80 χ 80 χ 80εκ,…αποστολή σε ολη την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό,…μεγάλη ποικιλία σε παλιά έπιπλα, μικροέπιπλα, παλιά τραπέζια ,τραπεζάκια, συντηρημένα και ασυντήρητα,αντίκες , παλαιά, vintage…περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο 6977276427 Στέλιος Μαραγκός

bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining-coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining-coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining-coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
 bronze dining-coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining-coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining-coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top
bronze dining- coffee table in the shape of a bouquet of leaves and branches in the center of four thicker branches which serve as support for a glass top