Home Artwork NIKI, THE ATLAS AND THE ARTEMIS Artwork NIKI, THE ATLAS AND THE ARTEMIS By Silo Art Factory - 22 November 2016 0 1109 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp All three have been built from old metal parts You’ll find them at Silo Art Factory. 1 of 2 RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR gorilla statue, sculpture wild animal, decorative Slaughter House Gallery ,Hydra, @destefoundation ,@donkey301239,@jeffkoons ceramic vases, pots hand painted from the Greek antiquity, big size FOLLOW US3,892FansLike544FollowersFollow5SubscribersSubscribe WEATHER Mykines scattered clouds enter location 6.2 ° C 6.2 ° 6.2 ° 84 % 2.4kmh 29 % Σα 14 ° Κυ 15 ° Δε 14 ° Τρ 13 ° Τε 16 ° ΑΞΙΟΛΟΓΗΣΤΕ ΜΑΣ POPULAR ARTICLES old glass bottles, old glass vessels, demijohns , carboys, bottles, flasks,... siloart.gr [Vou] - 27 November 2023 0 old glass bottles, old glass vessels, demijohns , carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass different shapes, sizes, colors... coffee table from old pieces of wood from old furniture that... 13 November 2023 coffee table from old colorful pieces of wood from old furniture... 2 November 2023 old iron floor tripod candle holder in black color, elaborately decorated... 27 October 2023 pair of old wooden doors , natural wood color, with green... 26 October 2023 POPULAR CATEGORIESVintage Furniture208Artwork177Antique Furniture-Antique158vintage utensils101Old Greek Pots60sculptures23