old butcher’s log, butcher ‘s bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design

old butcher's log, butcher 's bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher's log, butcher 's bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design

old butcher’s log, butcher ‘s bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design, antique, vintage, old,…price 320€,…size 61 x 82 x 28 cms,…shipping worldwide,…wide variety of old furniture, small furniture, old tables-coffee tables, restored or not, antiques , vintage,…for more information or for a facetime appointment to see our collection call Stelios Maragos at 0030 6977276427(Viber, WhatsApp


παλιός πάγκος κοπής κρέατος,τραπεζάκι, κάθισμα, παλιό κούτσουρο κοπής κρέατος χασάπη, χασαποκούτσουρο, μασίφ(πολύ βαρύ), σπάνιο κομμάτι, industrial design, αντίκα, vintage, παλαιό,…αποστολή σε ολη την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό,…μεγάλη ποικιλία σε παλιά έπιπλα, μικροέπιπλα, παλιά τραπέζια ,τραπεζάκια, συντηρημένα και ασυντήρητα,αντίκες , παλαιά, vintage…περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο 6977276427 Στέλιος Μαραγκός(Viber, WhatsApp)

old butcher's log, butcher 's bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher’s log, butcher ‘s bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher's log, butcher 's bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher’s log, butcher ‘s bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher's log, butcher 's bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher’s log, butcher ‘s bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher's log, butcher 's bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher’s log, butcher ‘s bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher's log, butcher 's bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher’s log, butcher ‘s bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher's log, butcher 's bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design
old butcher’s log, butcher ‘s bench, small table, small seat, old log for curving meat, solid (very heavy), rare piece, industrial design